photo page 46 |

Yuval organizes a desert trip with three jeeps: Ben's Pajero, Ronen's red Sufa, and our good-old Landrover.
The drivers discuss the various options, and decide to go to Wadi Barak and Ma'aleh Wardith, an hour north of Eilat, near
Mitzpe Ramon. |

We leave at 8 in the morning, and have coffee, tea and lots of cookies before leaving the road behind us.

Time for the real stuff: the trip has 4 steep descents. Sonja explores the first one on foot.....

.... before driving the Landrover down in perfect control, with two wheels on the edge of the vertical cliff.

The next descent is filmed by Ruth from down below in the valley.

That shows even better how steeply we drive down.

Time for lunch. We open four coolers and enjoy a wide variety of cheese, meat, wine and snacks. Taking a nap, playing with
Ronen's kids, and off we go.

The trip has only one ascent, not very difficult, but a ditch just before the summit has to be taken with speed.
Giepgooi happily climbs up, in a cloud of dust.

In the middle of nowhere, we run into a traffic jam as 8 jeeps try to scale a steep hill, although the map clearly advises to take this
route only downwards. With lots of shouting, clouds of dust, smoking tires and scattered stones, this Isuzu Trooper crashes up the
hill, and its under-carriage crashes against the rocks. Not the way to do it, surely not with 3 small kids in the back seat (!).
We count ourselves fortunate to go down, and that is more than enough complicated.

Yeah right, this is the way to go.... Yuval goes first, with the long and heavy Pajero.

Ronen follows with the much shorter Jeep, and even for him it is not easy.

One wheel high in the air.

Pretty far to fall.......

.... but thanks to Yuval's directions, Giepgooi also makes it down in one piece.

The trip lasts till sundown, and the rocks are beautifully flood lit in golden light.

And so the jeeps drive away into the distance. A Lucky Luck type end-of-story: "I'm a poor lonesome cowboy, and a long way from home....".