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Striking another item off our to-do list: spending an evening in Yussuf's bedouin tent. As long as we have been going to Eilat,
we passed his place (with camel in front), situated alongside Taba road near Coral beach and hotel Orchidea, but we have not been there yet.
According to Raymond, Yussuf is better known than the prime-minister, and a visit to his tent is a "must".

Ruthie, running the shop at Coral beach, as come too, and the atmosphere is fun and relaxed!

Yussuf disappears with Sonja somewhere in the tent, a soft tingling can be heard, the music swells, and then Sonja reappears dressed
like this: counting herself lucky for the lessons learned from Hadas..... Yussuf is all smiles, and everywhere in the tent other women
join in the belly dancing.

Ettie jumps in as well.

I can't believe it: there is that funny Arab again......

Yussuf takes the guy into the tent to dance with some women. Possibly his own women, as he has got a handful. (Un-) Fortunately there are
no camels left in our wallet to buy them ;-)

When things settle down a bit, Sonja and Ettie do some more private dancing. The awful head scarf turns out to be a regular
loin-cloth, and the red padded blouse is discarded. The girls have so much fun that they arrange to have another dancing session
at our apartment later this week.

Super evening, Ettie & Raymond!

Oh, and by the way, we open up a bottle of bubbly to celebrate the birth of Ron, another grandson of Raymond. They will head to Tel Aviv
later this week for the brit.

And then it's Yom Ha-atzmaut, independence day, and a very special one indeed, since Israel will be 60 this year.

The traditional BBQ, this time at Raymond and Ettie's place, is culinarily supervised by Ruthie.
Sorry that we have to leave further comments out: just temporarily too busy.....



60 years Israel,and all Eilat is decorated with blue&white street lighting.

At day time, the military base at Uvda is open for the public, and all sorts of army stuff is on display at
the platform of the airport.

Kids get a photograph taken inside a Merkava tank, in full battle dress.



Sonja's favorite: the D9 bulldozer.....

.... or rather a new jeep? Hmmmvee?



Practical: inflatable tanks and rocket launchers: much easier to take away on your next holiday.
