photo page 35 |

Although Jerusa has been in Eilat quite frequently, she has not yet seen the desert up close. Perfect opportunity for yet another trip
with the land rover, with poyke in the trunk and old wood on the roof. A few kilometers short of Be'er Ora we leave the highway, and
into the sand. A steep path leads to beautiful sand stone formations and colorful minerals. Then we cross the old army base
the has served as set for a Rocky movie, and move up the mountain pass. When Yuval negotiates the narrow path along steep ravines,
Jerusa talks faster and faster.....
In the valley we set up camp, and the archery target. |

Perfect posture, what a technique. Next lesson will be hitting the target.... |

Yuval fills the poyke to the brim with chicken, onions, vegetables and herbs, and still has 5 potatoes to go. These fit too eventually,
but the lid does not close all the way and the juices keep running down the side of the pot. When the stew is ready, the pot is so
full that we cannot eat it all. We leave the rest for the animals to feast on, although the mix looks rather horrendous.

After some time for digesting we continue shooting. |

The target has been made extra attractive with balloons. Ruth blows three in a row. |

Jerusa goes oriental: belly dancing in the private studio of Hadas.

Jerusa and Sonja shake'm up.......shake it, baby... |

Dear colleagues and friends of Jerusa: she is available for performances......

Today we throw Jerusa to the jackals.... |

...we visit Hai Bar, the wildlife park near Kibbutz Samar in the Arava. It is very quite today, allowing us
plenty of time for pictures. This is a sand fox.

Arabian viper. |

Fat mouse (I'm not fat, I'm poofy!!!).

Eagle owl. Hai Bar also features a night life room with church owls and little owls, but we choose not to
blind them with the giga-flash of the camera. There were bats as well, which Jerusa found veeeery funny. |

Lappet faced vulture. The accompanying piece of not so lively cow has been left out of the picture.

We also do the safari in our own land rover. This is an Addax, not to be mistaken for the
Oryx that looks exactly the same, but has straight horns. |


Ostrich. |

Kissy from ostrich 'Truus'. The ladies had a delightful chat.

Time flies when you are having fun, and the two weeks of Jerusa's holiday are almost done. We just manage to squeeze in
an evening of bowling. |

Sonja tries to topple the last pin. Jerusa: please come back to Eilat soon as you can!